With budgets being constantly tightened it’s getting ever more difficult to make CPD costs spread further, especially when a lot of training is off-site and often requiring travel and hotel costs. Ultrasound Scanner Training’s approach allows you to spread the CPD costs between vets, making it much more economical, both financially and in terms of time. We have always stressed that learning how to use a sophisticated piece of equipment such as an ultrasound scanner very much requires a ‘hands on’ session as you work through the controls, learning what and when to adjust as it is very reactive to what you see on the screen. Online and written resources are very useful and although you can get a basic understanding of the individual controls, I’ve found I have always benefitted from a smaller, physical, and practical training session where there is an open forum to ask questions and get immediate feedback.
Our training sessions are held on-site and are ideal with five or less vets in each session. This makes training more interactive with the vets getting a lot more from it. A big benefit of this is the ability to share the CPD costs over multiple delegates, making the CPD cost per-person very low. Additional benefits of having an on-site session means no travel or hotel costs incurred for delegates and smaller split groups means the surgery can still be a functioning business whilst training is taking place. Vets are trained on their own equipment, releasing a lot of its untapped potential – a benefit often overlooked.